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Jun 28, 2018


Students’ reading comprehension skills are primarily developed by the strategies provided to them by the teacher. It is important that teachers share a concept of reading comprehension since this will show which skills are to be developed in their classes on the topic and what elements should be taken into account (text, reader and context).
It is according to the concept of reading comprehension that teachers can apply methodologies employed in their classrooms and that can be categorized into various models (the linguistic, psycholinguistic, or sociocultural one).
If teachers have a concept of comprehension and apply it in their classes, their pedagogical practices could be improved since they would show more coherence in the application.

Ninoska Alejandra Yáñez Farías
How to Cite
Yáñez Farías, N. A. (2018). Coherence between thinking and doing: teachers’ view about reading comprehension and its implementation in the classroom. Contextos: Estudios De Humanidades Y Ciencias Sociales, (39). Retrieved from


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