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Sep 14, 2018


During the process of curricular redesign that was carried out recently inside the Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación (UMCE), a series of competencies were revealed and among them three types were differentiated, to be developed in the students during their teaching training process. For all academic programs, three institutional competencies were established and four generic competencies; and the academic programs, for their part, defined three specific or specialty competencies. This article aims to present a methodological proposal in the teaching of the German language associated with ICTs in order to develop collaborative work3. What we present is the projection of an educational proposal, based on the use of the digital portfolio, which will reflect the progress of the students. This will allow action-research around the development of the experience and implement timely adjustments.

Luz Cox Méndez
How to Cite
Cox Méndez, L. (2018). The digital portfolio as a pedagogical strategy: Program Bachelor of Education with mention in German and Pedagogy in German. Contextos: Estudios De Humanidades Y Ciencias Sociales, (41). Retrieved from


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