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Sep 14, 2018


The present work shows an exploration of the literature around the approach to the integrated teaching of sciences, technologies, arts, engineering and mathematics, called STEAM, Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts + Design and Mathematic. This arises with the aim of encouraging students to develop the necessary skills and knowledge in the network needed for 21st century society, where the rigorousness of scientific concepts is developed through interdisciplinary didactic activities applied to the real world.
37 publications were analyzed, which allow characterizing the STEAM approach, taking into account the teaching - learning vision on which its applications are based; in addition to the role assumed by teachers and students. Similarly, the types of methodologies were characterized, as well as the technologies used when they are applied in educational contexts.

Tomás Zamorano Escalona
Yonnhatan García Cartagena
David Reyes González
How to Cite
Zamorano Escalona, T., García Cartagena, Y., & Reyes González, D. (2018). The education for the 21st century subject: Main features of the STEAM approach from the educational point of view. Contextos: Estudios De Humanidades Y Ciencias Sociales, (41). Retrieved from


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