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Jun 21, 2019
performance, games, gender, humor, feminism


This essay examines a methodological and pedagogical approach to theater as a tool in undergraduate courses through the analysis of “El bigote” and “La casa chica,” two short plays by renowned Mexican playwright, Sabina Berman. Both plays lend themselves for the study of a wide variety of topics related to contemporary drama as well as Latin American feminist discourse, such as power and gender dynamics, machismo and marianismo, consumerism and social classes, as well as the performative nature of gender. To enhance students’ comprehension and to deepen their understanding of topics related to gender identity, students read and analize some texts by Judith Butler, Hélène Cixous, and Michel Foucault.

María Claudia André
How to Cite
André, M. C. (2019). Pedagogical and Methodological Models for Gender Studies in Undergraduate Courses. Contextos: Estudios De Humanidades Y Ciencias Sociales, (45). Retrieved from


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