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Nov 6, 2019
the teaching of History, Education and Spirituality, Citizen rights, Human rights


This article is the outcome of some interventions with students of the FACHUSC History program attending the subject called Brazilian History 1. The activities happened in 2014. Our aim is to reflect about disgusting events of intolerance in urban areas affecting traditional cultures, especially those of African background. These attacks occurred during the elections for the Brazilian president in 2014. In order to achieve that, we studied some authors that work with education and spirituality to justify the importance of History to start a culture based on respecting a different culture, and consequently standing for the Human Rights. This intervention consisted in a class outdoors in the historical cities of Olinda and Recife. The theme focused on material and immaterial heritage with emphasis on religious popular expressions.

Kennya de Lima Almeida
How to Cite
Almeida, K. de L. (2019). Education: a way to assign value to sociocultural diversity and the respect of others. Contextos: Estudios De Humanidades Y Ciencias Sociales, (44). Retrieved from


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