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Jan 15, 2020
Contemporary Chilean Theatre; Youth Theatre; Documentary Theatre; Mapuche conflict


David Arancibia Urzúa’s play, Ñuke, depicts the life of a Mapuche family in Araucanía, and the different forms of violence that its members have to face every day. The conflict between the State of Chile and the Mapuche people has been a subject of public debate for several years. However, since the murder of Camilo Catrillanca, the debate regarding the legitimacy of Mapuche people’s demands and the violence experienced by several Mapuche communities has intensified. In the following pages I will describe the project my research on Arancibia’s work is based upon. Then, I will address the obstacles that the incorporation of drama –as a literary genre— to the reading lists at high school level in Chile entail. Later, I will introduce the play Ñuke, its features as a piece of dramatic art and the particularities of its staging in connection with documentary theatre. Finally, I will focus on my own experience teaching Ñuke in high school.

Viviana Pinochet Cobos
How to Cite
Pinochet Cobos, V. (2020). Documentary theater and social criticism in contemporary chilean theater. The case of David Arancibia’s Ñuke. Contextos: Estudios De Humanidades Y Ciencias Sociales, (45). Retrieved from


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