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Jul 24, 2020
Linguistic education; Grammar; Conceptualization; Verbs of movement; Aspectual properties


This paper aims: (i) to discuss the contribution of the studies in theoretical linguistics to the formation of teachers and to language teaching, taking as a reference the concept of linguistic education; (ii) to illustrate the process of linguistic education in the formation of teachers using scientific initiation works on the relation between grammar and conceptualization, focusing on the case of motion verbs. Based on the assumption that conceptual structures provide relevant information for the derivation of grammatical objects (sentences), which in turn must be interpreted by cognitive systems, data from Portuguese and Spanish are analyzed. The aim is to explain the concept of movement based on aspectual properties of the events that, by hypothesis, constitute the relevant information for the interface between grammar and conceptualization.

Rozana Reigota Naves
Enrique Huelva Unternbäumen
Kely Viana de Oliveira
Matheus Cristian Silva Soares
How to Cite
Reigota Naves, R., Huelva Unternbäumen, E., Viana de Oliveira, K., & Silva Soares, M. C. (2020). Linguistic education and the relation between grammar and conceptualization: a case study. Contextos: Estudios De Humanidades Y Ciencias Sociales, (46). Retrieved from


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