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Dec 4, 2020
Speech acts
Language philosophy
Imperative form
Gospel of Luke


Even though the Speech acts theory has been created by Austin et developed by Searle a long time ago, this goes their applicability on a lot of studies related to language. However, this applicability presents additional difficulties for the Biblical studies field due to the huge temporal distance between the events narrated and the original sense of the Speech acts theory focussed on quotidian oral exchanges. This paper supports this applicability and illustrates it with a representative Luke’s gospel story (17, 11-19).

David Alejandro Pino-Alonso
How to Cite
Pino-Alonso, D. A. (2020). Aplicabilidad de los actos de habla en la Biblia: Lucas 17, 11-19. Contextos: Estudios De Humanidades Y Ciencias Sociales, (47). Retrieved from


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