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Aug 1, 2022
Filosofia Antiga; Filosofia Medieval; Filosofia Iluminista; Ética; Política.


This paper analyzes the differences between the Philosophical Theories of Aristotle, Augustine of Hippo and Kant on Ethics and Politics. Aristotle's ethical principles were made for the free men of Athens, who belonged to a small group of inhabitants of that city. Thus, Ethics and Politics were an exclusive matter of the elite, according to Aristotle. Augustine of Hippo, in turn, changed this scenario, bringing the Ethics and Politics to the the entire Christian Community. Kant, on the hand, went deeper than the others on this topic and made Ethics and Politics a universal issue, it can and should be discussed by everyone. In fact, the categorical imperative, according to Kant, is a rule whom everybody can obbey. It doesn't matter their religion, nationality, gender, profession, culture, age or social status. Thus, Kant created the possibility of a multicultural world, where different people can live harmoniously, despite their specificities of any kind.

Rodrigo do Prado Bittencourt
How to Cite
do Prado Bittencourt, R. (2022). Aristotle, Augustine of Hippo and Kant: building a multicultural world. Contextos: Estudios De Humanidades Y Ciencias Sociales, (50), 180–203. Retrieved from


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