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Sep 26, 2017
Metodología de la indagación
formación de profesores de ciencias
enseñanza de las ciencias ecológicas


In the area of the training of science teachers, it is becoming increasingly urgent to promote meaningful learning of disciplinary contents, as well as to have innovative teaching techniques and strategies that facilitate the learning process of the sciences in the centers schooling and the achievement of scientific literacy.
This is why this article presents a didactic experience whose purpose was to develop strategies and techniques of learning focused on teaching science using the Inquiry Methodology (ABI), to strengthen academic performance and improve the development of superior skills in students of Pedagogy in Biology of the Metropolitan University of 

Education Sciences (UMCE). This experience was realized in the practical activities of the Ecology of Communities course.
The results showed that applying an inquiry-based methodology in the Ecology of Communities laboratory generates a better academic performance of students of Pedagogy in Biology in the area of ecological sciences, compared to the performance of those who learned in based on a traditional methodology.

María Catalina Sabando
Karin Maldonado
Elba Acevedo
Antonio Said
How to Cite
Sabando, M. C., Maldonado, K., Acevedo, E., & Said, A. (2017). A didactic proposal based on scientific inquiry for the teaching of ecological sciences. Revista Electrónica Diálogos Educativos. REDE, 18(33), 20–34. Retrieved from


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