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Sep 26, 2017
Seguridad escolar y reducción de riesgo de desastres
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ficha didáctica


In this didactic sheet the implementation of an educational experience in Disaster Risk Reduction (RRD), in the curriculum of students of two Pedagogic careers, "Physical Education, Sports and Recreation" and "Visual Arts" of the Metropolitan University of Education Sciences, from an interdisciplinary perspective.
It is considered necessary to promote and incorporate the subject of DRR in the Initial Teacher Training taking into account that, surely, teachers who are trained in our University for the Chilean school system, during their professional practice, will face some episode associated with natural or anthropic disasters. 

Along with the above, through the implementation of this innovation project it was proposed to generate instances that tend to the development of group or collaborative work between the students of both careers taking advantage of the presence and non-contact spaces.
The students' stories, as well as their audiovisual and digital productions, give an account of the lessons learned.

Roberto Leiva Contardo
Karina Guerra Pinto
Camila Gallego Concha
How to Cite
Leiva Contardo, R., Guerra Pinto, K., & Gallego Concha, C. (2017). School safety and disaster risk reduction in the education professional training curriculum. Revista Electrónica Diálogos Educativos. REDE, 18(33), 79–102. Retrieved from


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