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Apr 4, 2023
Educational policy
Preservice teacher training
Teacher education curriculum
Teaching and training


In Chile, initial teacher training is described as unregulated, with a very varied institutional context. With the purpose of reverting this scenario, graduate standards for Pedagogy programs were declared in 2011. However, there is little information on the application of these guidelines in universities. In this context, the objective is: To analyze the integration of pedagogical standards in the training plan of the Basic Education Pedagogy program belonging to a public and regional university by means of a curricular mapping oriented to decision making at the career and training program level. This article gathers part of the quantitative data of a broader study, which is framed in a pragmatic paradigm. This quantitative component is descriptive and cross-sectional in nature. A questionnaire was applied based on the 10 pedagogical standards declared for graduates of the Basic Education Pedagogy career (MINEDUC, 2012). Thirty-four teachers (97.1%) who worked between the 2nd semester 2020 and/or 1st semester 2021 participated. The results show a curricular mapping that allows visualizing the presence and integration of the 10 standards in the entire curriculum of the program. Among them, 4 standards stand out as having a greater presence in the training programs as a whole. This may represent a hallmark of the training proposal of the course. It is concluded that the integration of these standards occurs gradually and progressively as the curriculum develops.

Alejandro Neruda Verdugo Peñaloza
Schlomit Meneses Zúñiga
Francisca Reyes González
How to Cite
Verdugo Peñaloza, A. N., Meneses Zúñiga, S., & Reyes González, F. (2023). Integration of pedagogical standards through curriculum mapping in a pedagogy degree program. Revista Electrónica Diálogos Educativos. REDE, 20(36-37), 3–27. Retrieved from


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