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Jun 20, 2023
This scientific article investigates the management of the curriculum by labor competencies of an educational establishment of technical-professional modality, through the analysis of the discourse of its directors and module teachers, in contrast with the specialized literature and the Chilean educational regulations. For this purpose, in-depth interviews were conducted with a purposive sample of 15 informants, from whose results the following categories of analysis were obtained: Curriculum and management by labor competencies and Institutional management of the curriculum by labor competencies. The results indicate that there are conceptual errors regarding the definition of curriculum by labor competencies, as well as evidence of deficiencies in curriculum management by the management team in aspects such as appropriation of the TVET curricular bases, evaluation and follow-up of the curriculum planning process, and classroom accompaniment and teacher training. Finally, the study highlights the importance of conducting similar research by expanding the sample of establishments in order to gather valid and updated information that will allow the development of educational policies that strengthen the TVET educational offer in the country.
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