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Mar 9, 2024
Aprendizaje Servicio
Educación Superior


This research focuses on how Chilean universities have adopted and documented their Service Learning (SL) experiences, through the creation of guides and/or manuals. It is supported by a qualitative methodology based on a documentary review regarding the manuals and/or guides that higher education institutions affiliated with the Ministry of Education of Chile have. As a result, it is known the number of universities that have initiatives linked to SL and which of them have formalized it through a guide and/or manual. The manuals and/or guides analyzed demonstrate how the SL methodology can be materialized in various experiences, promoting cooperation and mutual benefit between universities and communities, where there is still room to expand the institutionalization of SL in more universities.

Carlos Mauricio Salazar-Botello
Yohana Andrea Muñoz-Jara
Constanza Gutiérrez Medina
How to Cite
Salazar-Botello, C. M., Muñoz-Jara, Y. A., & Gutiérrez Medina, C. (2024). Manuales de Aprendizaje Servicio. Resultados preliminares de una revisión documental. Revista Electrónica Diálogos Educativos. REDE, 21(42-43). Retrieved from


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