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May 15, 2024
service learning
meaningful learning


This study delves into the reflective content of students from Chile and Ecuador who implemented the Collaborative Reflection Model (via Instagram) based on Kolb's experiential learning cycle. The findings, which identify similarities and differences in their ability to address biases, flexibility, and adaptability, are significant in generating meaningful learning and reaffirming their motivations, commitment, and skills. This model emerges as an effective alternative for strengthening reflective processes in service learning.

Héctor Opazo Carvajal
Karla Díaz
David Barrientos Arriagada
How to Cite
Opazo Carvajal, H., Díaz, K., & Barrientos Arriagada, D. (2024). REFLECTIONS ACROSS BORDERS: ANALYZING THE COLLABORATIVE SERVICE-LEARNING REFLECTIONS OF CHILEAN AND ECUADORIAN UNIVERSITY STUDENTS. Revista Electrónica Diálogos Educativos. REDE, 21(42-43). Retrieved from


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