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Apr 6, 2022
society - power - taxes - riches - leitougía


This paper considers the symbolic value of the transfer of the treasure from Delos
to Athens to plot around a series of historical events of the s. V BC related to dramatic
changes in the sphere of power, society and the economy. These three elements are,
in turn, examined and tested through philology, etymology, and semantics. Because
these words have the fundamental role of guiding and synthesizing the story that we
intend to make manifest here. From this account, we believe, an explanation of the
circulation of money and wealth emerges more clearly. Taxes, therefore, appear in
this plot that is woven between power, society and the economy.

Teresa Matte
Oscar Velásquez
How to Cite
Matte, T., & Velásquez, O. (2022). De Delos a Atenas: el viaje del tesoro. Iter, (26), 77–108. Retrieved from

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