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Apr 6, 2022
Temple - Omphalos - Judaism - Hellenism - Hasmonean - Jerusalem - Jewish revolt


The temples of the Ancient Near East were also institutions that were beyond
the religious because some of them became highly active in political and economic spheres. Besides, it should be considered the Hellenistic impact and its notion of
world center or omphalos which was adopted in the temple of Jerusalem allowing
it became a epicenter for Jews and non-Jews. Thus, on the one hand, after the revolt
of the Maccabeus, the role of Jerusalem was increased as the distinctive epicenter of
Judaism of that period with respect to other peoples; on the other hand, the control of
the temple in Jerusalem was the ideal instrument for foreign factual powers to exert
influence and domination over the Jewish people, either using the local priesthood
or investing in its architectural remodeling for their own interests. Nevertheless, such
policies will inevitably lead to the Jewish rebellion against Rome in AD 66. C.

Benjamín Toro Icaza
How to Cite
Toro Icaza, B. (2022). El Templo de Jerusalén: del omphalos helenístico al foco de rebelión contra Roma. Iter, (26), 143–186. Retrieved from

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