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Apr 6, 2022
method - exposition - Decalogue - Philo of Alexandria


The object of our study is to analyze the expositive method in De decalogo 1, 18-
19, 51-153 of Philo of Alexandria. For this, we propose, first, to translate and examine
passages 1 and 18-19 of Philo’s De decalogo to describe the expositive method used
by the author; second, to compare De decalogo 1, 18-19 with De specialibus legibus 1,
1; 3, 7; 4, 132-133, where the Alexandrian provides specific references on his method
of exposition; and, third, to briefly observe the ordering of the commandments proposed by Philo (De decalogo 51), its elaboration of those mandates (51-153) and
its distribution in the legal treatises (De specialibus legibus 1-4). Finally, we will try to
demonstrate that the Alexandrian gives internal unity to the Mosaic regulations by
using a taxonomic method based on the classification of the Pentateuch regulations
through logical comparison and abstraction, and according to the κεφάλαια - ἐν
μέρει y γένος - εἶδος relationship.

Paola Druille
How to Cite
Druille, P. (2022). La metodología expositiva en Sobre el decálogo de Filón de Alejandría. Iter, (26), 201–220. Retrieved from

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