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Apr 11, 2022
Ara Pacis, Panathenaic procession, Greek legacy, Román culture


Rome was heir to Greek culture. From it the Romans learnt poetry, literature, philosophy
and art. But Román creations, though inspired by the Greek genius, always expressed something
original and unique. Such is also the case with sculpture. A contrast betw’een the Parthenon s
Panathenaic procession and the bas-relief on the Ara Pacis brings out the profound continuity
of ancient art, and at the same time the strong and distinctive personality of these peoples.

Gerardo Vidal Guzmán
How to Cite
Vidal Guzmán, G. (2022). From Panathenaic procession to Ara Pacis of August Discipleship and identity. Iter, (14), 37–48. Retrieved from

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