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Apr 11, 2022
Heraclitus. beauty, holism


We maintain in accord with Heraclitus that beauty is a complex phenomenon
and holds many levels of realization. Thus. we recognize a strictly human level. where
aesthetic experience properly is realized. although there are some conditions wich
allow establish diferences in this level of experience. Nevertheless. we also agree with
He rae i tus. in regard to consider parí of the human aesthetic experience permiting the
acknowledgment of a kind o f transcendent aesthetic connecting our perception and
experience to a phisical level of reality. even more, with one metaphisical.

Rodrigo Inostroza Bidart
How to Cite
Inostroza Bidart, R. (2022). The holistical foundation ofthe phisical-metaphysic structure ofthe beauty in Heraclitus and hers levéis of realization. Iter, (14), 145–157. Retrieved from

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