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Apr 11, 2022
Eros. love. cosmos. Plato


The second discourse of Sócrates in the Phaedrus succeeds in connecting its main theme
M ith the previous two discourses -united through the use of the dual- by being an offering o f
compensation: so eros becomes finally the core of the three discourses. In this article eros is
analysed in its relation to the space of the universe and its capacity to enhance. consequently.
the perception of time in man ’s soul. In the se circumst andes, love connects the hither o f this
sensible Morid with the thither of the heavens as representaron of the inteligible, and becomes
transformed in a transcendent power of spiritual ascent.

Óscar Velásquez Gallardo
How to Cite
Velásquez Gallardo, Óscar. (2022). The space-temporal dimensión of the eros in the Phaedrus of Plato. Iter, (14), 159–170. Retrieved from

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