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Apr 11, 2022
Beauty. beautiful. proportion. measure. order


The relevance of the notion of "beauty " in the socratic-platonic tradition is an nncontested
topic. However. how can u e describe objects. events. discourses as beautiful without knowirtg
what "beauty " means?
In this paper. I revise Plato s early reflections on beauty without considering Plato s later
w orks in which the concept is just used rather than defined.
Initially Plato s notion of "beauty " is unresolved and everyday language. as exemplifted
by Hippias. is used to describe concrete situations. But later. Plato follows Sócrates' definition
as an effort to find a common notion of the concept. Finally. Plato s notion of "beauty " is
transposed to the notion of idea.

Marco Antonio Ramis Lanyon
How to Cite
Ramis Lanyon, M. A. (2022). Elements for the determination of the beautiful thing in Plato fs dialogues. Iter, (14), 185–195. Retrieved from

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