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Apr 11, 2022
Plato. Aristotle. rhetoric. beauty\ discourse


In this article. beauty> and discourse are studied from the viewpoint of rhetoric in both Plato
and Aristotle. While in the former these aspects are considered in the perspective of a
philosophical rhetoric. strongly committed to the knowledge of goodness and truth. in the
latter emphasis is given on the rhetoric as an art. independently of epistemic and moral
criterio. Despite of this difference. there are some common components too. especially in
respect of their idea of beauty. which allon s us to realice a certain continuity beween the master
and the disciple.

Andrés Covarrubias Correa
How to Cite
Covarrubias Correa, A. (2022). Beauty and persuasión in Plato’s ,Phaedrus and Aristóteles Rethoric. Iter, (14), 197–209. Retrieved from

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