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Apr 12, 2022
Truth, theology, Bonaventure, Breviloquium, splendour


The present study realices an interpretation o f the mentions o f truth
in the Breviloquium o f Bonaventure. An analytic lecture o f a work that
pays attention o f the foundating origine of veritas, o f her presence in the
human being, created as a image and resemble o f God, but deformed by
guilty. The study, as well pays attention to the splendour o f that truth in the
reformed image by God and her transformed situation between return and

Anneliese Meis Wormer
How to Cite
Meis Wormer, A. (2022). The splendour o f the truth in the Breviloquium o f Buenaventura. Iter, (13), 77–110. Retrieved from

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