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Apr 13, 2022


The first Chilean novel can be found
in the body ofan unpublished Chilean chronicle from the XVIIth century.
It is a Baroque narrative which tells about a love relationship between
two Mapuche youngsters. In this novel, the author often stops his
narrative to make roomfor a number of quotations from Latín authors,
mainly Ovid and Virgil. Curiously enough, however, these quotations
aren’t but recompositions or “pasticci” of verses which are originally
separated in the literary work they come from. This quotations,
neverthelessy regularly make coherent and clearly meaningful texis. This
paper attempts to analyze and explain this particular way ofwriting.

Antonio Arbea Gavilán
How to Cite
Arbea Gavilán, A. (2022). Latín Tradition in a Chilean colonial novel. Iter, (12), 37–49. Retrieved from

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