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Apr 13, 2022


Dante's presence in Chile is widely
evident and it is backed up by documented and concrete facts andpeople
from our academic environment. However, “The outcast ” drama from
Vittorio di Girolamo, winner of “Experimental Drama ” prize from
P.U.C.Ch. in 1999, goes further beyond. It brings the character Dante
Alighieri straight on stagey re-interpreting it freely, to the light of a
faithfulness to the spirit which transcends faithfulness to historical reality
of time.
The daily, poetic, and mystical worid, interweave in these “
Dantesque experiences ” which the author of the drama narrates and
illustrates with his astonished passion and mastery.

Vittorio di Girolamo
How to Cite
di Girolamo, V. (2022). The outcast, drama in three acts. Iter, (12), 89–114. Retrieved from

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