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May 9, 2022
Senate - Eastern roman empire - interest groups


In the next assignment we will realized some approaches about the rol politician
that the Constantinople's senate occupied inside of the institutional scaffolding of the Eastern roman empire. About o f little reconstruction o f the origin of the institute
senatorial, where we will analyzed the social composition o f the members of the
same, we will focus our attention in the XI century. Traditionally considered this
century like a “not turning point” for the structural framework of the Eastern
empire, view the simultaneous crisis o f a political, military and economic nature
that transited their respective subsystems, we will pretend highlight how the
Senate was becoming in a space o f power that really could come to exercise a truly
“institutional pressure”. However, our analysis c o u ld n 't escape in comparative
perspective another institutes that they exercised like “interested groups”:the
imperial Army and the Patriarchy of Constantinople.

Franco Javier Cortes
How to Cite
Cortes, F. J. (2022). The Senate of Constantinople in the eleventh century: the crystallization of a space of real power. Iter, (24), 43–57. Retrieved from

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