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May 9, 2022
Aristocracy - Oligarchy - Political Constitutions - Mercenaries - Citizenship - Republic


The article will focus on Aristotle’s classic definition of Aristocracy,
analyzing the specific example of the city of Carthage and its aristocratic constitution, which was mentioned by Aristotle himself. The singularity
of the political constitution of this North African city will be emphasized,
becauseas it is an unknown case with certain special characteristics -whether
positive or negative- for the study of antiquity, especially since Carthage
did not belong to the Greek cultural context. Nevertheless, this city and its
constitution followed a similar course in political evolution comparable to
that of other Greek polis.

Benjamín Toro Icaza
How to Cite
Toro Icaza, B. (2022). The aristocratic Constitution of Carthage and its democratic implications. Iter, (24), 85–118. Retrieved from

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