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May 10, 2022
Care of the self - ethics - politics


In contemporary theoretical reflection, reference to ethics and care of the self from
a Hellenic background or inheritance is frequent as a way of expressing statements
related to the relationship between ethics and politics. Although this topic has
been approached by a large number of authors, it is uncommon to systematize and
compare it with respect to the way each author refers to this problem. Responding
to this need, the present article proposes a review of the arguments offered by three
contemporary authors (Arendt, Foucault and Nussbaum) and a brief comparison on
the ways in which the Hellenic heritage is reinterpreted.

Gabriel Gallego
How to Cite
Gallego, G. (2022). Care, fragility and good. On the contemporary uses of the care of the self. Iter, (24), 143–168. Retrieved from

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