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May 10, 2022
Catharsis - Shudder - Music - Politics - Aesthetics


This work exposes the concept o f Catharsis in Aristotle, keeping in mind the
Stagirite’s use of music in Politics, and then contrasts it with the concept of Shudder
that Theodor W. Adorno treats in his posthumous work Aesthetic Theory. It can be
pointed out that the concept of the philosopher of the Frankfurt School is closely related to the Aristotelian concept insofar as it starts from the critique to the catharsis
and then overcome in the concept o f shudder the utilitarian view of music in Aristotle.

Gonzalo Cáceres Mora
How to Cite
Cáceres Mora, G. (2022). Catharsis and Shudder: Keys to understanding a critique of identity in the musical experience and its politicization. Perspectives for the problem of the use of art in Aristotle from the criticism of the catharsis of Theodor Adorno. Iter, (24), 169–183. Retrieved from

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