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Sep 1, 2022
Physical activity, Active, Sedentary lifestyle, Chronic noncommunicable diseases, overweigth.


The objetive for this study is gather data of the activities that are making the secondary students. Starting from this, identify if the subject fulfill with the physical activity required to be considered as an active subject. Besides knowing the type of activity they carry out the students (light, moderate, vigorous).

Participated 12 students of 17 years +/- 1; MB= 1; -0,1; +0,1 a 0,3. Is recorded a total of 9 days for subject, looking to board every day of the week, which delivered the following results. The 83,3% of the minutes of the day they are used in activities light, the 16,3% is equal  to activities of intensities moderate to vigorous. Respect to sendetary lifestyle a 58,3% are subjects sedentary and the 41,6% are considérate active subjects.

It’s concluded that, within the youth population, there is a high percentage of activities light, propitiating the possibility of suffering chronic noncommunicable diseases, overweigth or obesity.

Rodrigo A. Muñoz Martinez
How to Cite
Muñoz Martinez, R. A. (2022). Study about energy expenditure and the type of activities carried out by adolescents and young adults. Revista Educación Física Chile, (274). Retrieved from

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