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Jun 28, 2018


The Task-Based Language Teaching Approach (TBLT) contributes to improving classroom management and environment in the EFL context in Santiago through focusing on students’ interests when designing and planning the tasks for the lessons according to their realities. During the first stage, 10th grade teachers and students were observed in order to diagnose how the latter behaved in the classroom, the teaching aspects to be improved and to obtain a clear idea of how to address the two issues. In the second stage, the researchers applied the methodology designed after the observation in schools with the same characteristics and in the same grade. The lessons were designed and taught based on TBLT strategies and activities, exhibiting significant improvements in students’ engagement, behavior, participation and the learning environment. It can be stated that students became more involved in the lessons because their opinions were considered not only in the agreement of rules, but also in the design of the tasks. Undoubtedly, as it arose as a helpful way to improve classroom management, TBLT can be employed by teachers of any grade and subject to enrich their methodology and, therefore, every aspect occurring in a classroom.

Joselin Aravena Quintanilla
Paloma Méndez Bravo
Génesis Ordóñez Alarcón
M. Jesús Palominos Zamora
Paula Retamal Hernández
Valentina Tori Soto
How to Cite
Aravena Quintanilla, J., Méndez Bravo, P., Ordóñez Alarcón, G., Palominos Zamora, M. J., Retamal Hernández, P., & Tori Soto, V. (2018). The Task-Based Language Teaching Approach and its Relationship to Class Management. Contextos: Estudios De Humanidades Y Ciencias Sociales, (39). Retrieved from


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