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Nov 6, 2019
Resistance, Dictatorship, Catholic Church, Vicaria de Pastoral Obrera, La Victoria


After the coup of 1973, the Chilean Catholic Church, maintaining the line of social doctrine implemented during the twentieth century, chooses to defend the victims of the dictatorship, positioning itself, in the midst of the institutional crisis that the country was experiencing, as the element of greatest containment and resistance against the severe repression that was exercised during those years. This investigation focuses on two edges of this resistance. On the one hand, there is the legacy of the Vicaría de Pastoral Obrera, which is circumscribed within the framework of resistance of the working class, manifesting openly a position of defense of this social sector. On the other hand, is the work of the Catholic Church in La Victoria estate, which focuses on a series of actions of containment and resistance carried out by the religious and lay community in the sector, which highlights the work of the French priests André Jarlán and Pierre Dubois.

Felipe Moya Ortega
Felipe Zañartu Toloza
How to Cite
Moya Ortega, F., & Zañartu Toloza, F. (2019). Repression and resistance. Church and dictatorship in Chile. Contextos: Estudios De Humanidades Y Ciencias Sociales, (44). Retrieved from


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