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Jul 21, 2022
North American literature; Emily Dickinson; gender and literature; gender fluidity


Emily Dickinson plays a significant role due to her philosophical, metaphysical, and teleological poetry contributions. Nonetheless, her belletrist writing is not only for the enrichment of the dimensions previously mentioned but also for her insights that interpellate gender as an analytical category. Even though it might be out of place to characterize Emily Dickinson's poetry with epithets from our historical period and cultural framework, without a doubt, her works invite us to reread her poetry at the light of contemporary epistemologies. In the case of the philosophical feminist post-structuralist theory, gender has become the center of discussion in many fields, and literature has not been left behind in this topic.Throughout this paper we propose a review on a selection of four Emily Dickinson’s poems from “The poems of Emily Dickinson” by means of an interdisciplinary approach, in order to explore the concept of gender fluidity throughout the selected corpus.

Gustavo Ignacio Huaiquinao Briceño
Sergio Leonardo Rebolledo González
Author Biography

Sergio Leonardo Rebolledo González, Universidad De Santiago de Chile

Licenciado en Lengua y Literatura Inglesas, Universidad de Chile. Estudiante de magíster en Lingüística, mención Teorías del Aprendizaje de la Lengua Inglesa.

How to Cite
Huaiquinao Briceño, G. I., & Rebolledo González, S. L. (2022). An exploration of gender fluidity in some of Emily Dickinson’s poems. Contextos: Estudios De Humanidades Y Ciencias Sociales, (50), 47–63. Retrieved from


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