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Dec 22, 2022
interdisciplinary work - research - intangible cultural heritage


In recent decades, tackling complex problems has encouraged the development of research that brings together experts from various disciplines. However, the procedures and methodologies that lead to successful results continue to be part of the black box of research. The dynamics of the research groups, the disciplines involved or simply the commitment of those who make up these teams often justify successful results or explain the obstacles. The aim of this paper is to describe analytically experiences and strategies of interdisciplinary work carried out in the framework of a research on intangible cultural heritage. From the description of these strategies in a concrete case, we try to extrapolate elements that may be feasible in other research projects in order to achieve results in complex problem situations.

Norma Elizabeth Levrand
Norma Leticia Bernardini
Author Biography

Norma Leticia Bernardini, Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos

Norma Leticia Bernardini, Arquitecta, Especialista en Ingeniería Gerencial (Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Argentina), Docente de Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos

How to Cite
Levrand, N. E., & Bernardini, N. L. (2022). Experiences and strategies for interdisciplinary research on intangible cultural heritage. Contextos: Estudios De Humanidades Y Ciencias Sociales, (51), 22–43. Retrieved from


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