Contextos publishes papers under very high quality and ethical standards, which are
reflected in all the phases of publication and for all the members of the journal
(authors, editors and reviewers).
Papers published elsewhere, copied or modified are not accepted. Plagiarism or any
other unethical behaviour is strictly forbidden.
An author responsible of plagiarism will be penalised by the paper’s rejection or

About the editing committee:
It does a preliminary revision of the contributions and verifies that the journal’s
requisites are met.
It ensures that the contributions are about the field of the journal.
It ensures that the process of the publication of the contribution is done fluently and
according to the deadlines
It keeps record the process of the publication of the contribution
It holds communication with the authors
It ensures that the contributions are proportional according to index standards (more
external proportion than internal)
It decides about given monothematic issues
It presents new issues to new indexes
It keeps annual record of peer reviewers
It ensures the scientific rigour of the contributions
It monitors the scientific projection of the journal and it’s the improvement of its
It keeps the publication updated in all its platforms and formats.

About the reviewers:
All papers submitted for review will be treated with confidentiality, they will not be
discussed or presented to third parties, nor can they be used as sources of
information for own publications.
The evaluation of the papers are carried out by two external specialists who will not
know the identities of the authors (double-blind peer review).
The reviewers must meet the established deadlines or reject the paper in case this
does not fulfil the reviewing in an optimal way.
Observations must be made objectively and constructively in the corresponding form

About the authors:
The authors must guaranty that submissions are completely original and that they
have not been published or submitted elsewhere (attach letter of originality)
As part of the submission process, authors must verify that the manuscript meets the
requirements in the following steps:
If a peer reviewed section is sent, the instructions must be followed
The text adheres to the stylistic and biographical requirements detailed in the
Guidelines for authors
The text has not been published previously and has not been evaluated by another
In case of plagiarism the journal is exempt of responsibility