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Jul 6, 2023
Motor Development, Hearing Impairment, Physical Education, School, Sign Language.


Objective: To evaluate the effects of a physical education program using Mexican sign language in students with hearing disabilities on motor coordination development. Method: A quantitative approach was used, with a quasi-experimental design, the program was implemented for 20 weeks using the Mexican sign language and a series of didactic strategies with expected learning towards the development of coordination capacities, the impact of the program was evaluated in 27 students with disabilities before and after using the KTK test: Körperkoordinationstest für Kinder by Kiphard and Schiling. Result: Statistically significant differences were evidenced before compared to after the intervention in the motor quotient using the mixed 2 x 2 analysis of variance (ANOVA) test. Conclusion: it is possible to infer that from physical education the present program is a positive strategy for the improvement of motor development in students with hearing disabilities.

Paulina Ochoa-Martínez
Javier Hall-López
Mara Morales Ramírez
Abel Carmona López
How to Cite
Ochoa-Martínez, P., Hall-López, J., Morales Ramírez, M., & Carmona López, A. (2023). Physical education for motor development with the use of mexican sign language in students with hearing disabilities. Revista Educación Física Chile, (276). Retrieved from


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