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Apr 12, 2023
mixtures, aqueous Solutions, quantitative composition of an aqueous solution


In this paper, a methodology is established, within the framework of the IUPAC, to obtain the different equations based on Chemical variables, which account for the different ways to express the quantitative composition  for these systems. Traditionally, to solve situations of mixtures in aqueous solution, we resort to mathematical methods associated with systems of linear equations or
use mnemonic rules, like the mixing cross, away from the proper language of chemistry.

Juan Vargas M.
Tatiana Urzúa LL.
How to Cite
Vargas M., J., & Urzúa LL., T. (2023). METAORGANIZATION OF CHEMICAL VARIABLES IN RESOLUTION OF MIXES IN DISSOLUTIONS. Chilean Journal of Scientific Education, 17(1), 37–43. Retrieved from

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