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Apr 13, 2023
novice in-service teachers, Science teaching, teachers’ knowledge, secondary education, natural Science


The objective of this study is to examine secondary Science teachers’ knowledge, specially the difficulties teachers face in the teaching of the experimental Sciences. A qualitative method was used in this study, with a case study design which analyses the conceptions, feelings and attitudes of three novice Science teachers who currently work in the Bio-Bio región. Following an analytical and interpretative process, a characterization of curricular knowledge, experiential knowledge, disciplinary and pedagogical knowledge was obtained from each one of the participants in the research. The results of this study show, from a qualitative point of view, that in teachers’ knowledge the teaching of contení leads while the scientific disciplinary epistemology is put aside, perpetuating the traditional visión of scientific activity in the new generations.

Cristóbal Reyes C.
Luigi Cuellar F.

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