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Jun 13, 2023


In the search of a University Professor’s profile, qualified to show his students how to work with the scientific method,, this problem itself is discussed. An inquiry was done asking qualified scientists, with teaching experience in universities. Results are based on the opinions of 61 such scientists, from south and north America, Europe, Australia and Japan. Concerning the leaming of the scientific method, the best option was a type of Master-pupil relationship, working together on a common problem; this is rarely súccessful when large numbers of students attend a course. The best quality teaching is reached when the qualification of the Master-scientist improves; so this it was considered as the best option, when we want to invest in order to get an
effective educational improvement. Also in the master qualification program, to invest too much time in pedagogic themes, does not seem to improve the teaching capacities, when the
scientific process is the main subject. Science is an active process which practice itself ineludes its own didactics, and this appears to be the best method of learning it.

René Covarrubias Berríos
Haroldo Toro Gutiérrez
How to Cite
Covarrubias Berríos, R., & Toro Gutiérrez, H. (2023). IDEAS y PLANTEAMIENTOS SOBRE LA ENSEÑANZA DE LAS CIENCIAS BIOLOGICAS. Chilean Journal of Scientific Education, 1(1), 7–21. Retrieved from

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