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Jun 13, 2023
Molecular Biology; learning interactive; learning modules


It was implemented a semi-presential course in Molecular Biology for students who are in the VIII semester of the studies plan of Licenciatura in Biological Education with a total of 4 hours in the week. This course had presential activities and nonpresential academic activities with two hours in the week of free schedule for the student. In this last modality activities and strategies were
incorporated related with methodological innovations in the fíeld of Molecular Biology using the software For this, the professors who taught the course designed didactic teaching material with internet and multimedia resources and tutorial set and problems, which allow the autoevaluation of the student learnig.

Elba Acevedo Jones
Antonio Sald Navarro
How to Cite
Acevedo Jones, E., & Sald Navarro, A. (2023). DISEÑO DE MODULOS INTERACTIVOS PARA LA ENSEÑANZA DE LA BIOLOGIA MOLECULAR DIRIGIDO A ESTUDIANTES DE LICENCIATURA EN BIO LO G IA. Chilean Journal of Scientific Education, 1(1), 36–38. Retrieved from

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