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Sep 25, 2023
publication, comparison, Latin America, empirical, reforms


This article is an advancement of a comparative study about articles on Science learning and teaching is school years published in Latin American and Anglosaxon scientific journals during 1999-2002. The amount of articles as well the types of articles -comprised in three categories: theoretical, empirical and teaching and Learning Supplies articles- are analyzed, as well as the topics treated in Latin American articles, which are analyzed according to the statements of Latin American educational reforms. Results show differences between the two groups not only in the amount of articles but also in their distribution profile. It is noticeable the low proportion of empirical articles in Latin America when compared to anglosaxon publishing. Topic analysis of Latin American articles suggest that some requests of the regions’ educational reforms are being fulfilled.

Raúl Cerón F.
Diana Pasmanik V.
How to Cite
Cerón F., R., & Pasmanik V., D. (2023). REFORMAS EDUCATIVAS EN LATINOAMÉRICA: CAMINOS PARA LA INVESTIGACIÓN EN EDUCACIÓN CIENTÍFICA. Chilean Journal of Scientific Education, 2(1), 32–35. Retrieved from

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