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Dec 6, 2022


The concept of "effective school" implicitly includes the experience of a continuous and renewable process, which does not imply the obtaining of a product, if not, of a living community that manages to coexist in a successful fashion, and the environment in which it is found. Possible, since the educational community is made up of agents with a vision and mission that aims at a common educational project, which is articulated and implemented through objectives that specify an educational reality according to the interests of the community. To evolve to an effective school that achieves objectives and develops the educational community based on their interests requires a solid management based on the motivation of its participants. Emotional intelligence, either explicitly or implicitly, is a fundamental factor in the motivation of human resources.

Sofía López S.
How to Cite
López S., S. (2022). La inteligencia emocional como factor fundamental en el desarrollo motivacional de la comunidad educativa para la gestión de escuelas efectivas. Boletín De Políticas Y Gestión Educativa, 5(5), 58–70. Retrieved from

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