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jul 29, 2020
Task-Based Language Teaching; classroom atmosphere; communicative approaches; school context; situated research


Recent research suggests that meaningful learning is more likely to occur when real life situations are brought into the classroom and students are to use their previous knowledge to deal with such situations. Following this, an important element to consider is the specific context where we want this process to occur, so that the real life situations may actually be relatable to the classroom environment. The Chilean context offers a variety of settings where room for intervention can occur through an active role by the pre-service teachers. The contextual dimension was essential for deciding on the use of Task-Based Language Teaching, as the approach promotes the use of activities that are perceived as appropriate for the specificities of the learners. Although important, developing the four language skills was not the main purpose, but to account for the relationship that there may be between the application of TBLT and the classroom atmosphere. The present study followed a qualitative approach for data collection and analysis, its design was non-experimental and cross sectional and the sample comprised 24 Chilean schools. 

Loreto Abarzúa S.
Emilio Cornejo E.
Cristian Sánchez Z.
Como Citar
Abarzúa S., L., Cornejo E., E., & Sánchez Z., C. (2020). The task-based language teaching approach as a mechanism to improve classroom atmosphere: a two-year experience with EFL students in their placement process in Santiago. Contextos: Estudios De Humanidades Y Ciencias Sociales, (46). Recuperado de


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