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Sep 26, 2017
Innovación educativa
ciencias integradas
educación STEM
enseñanza de las ciencias
formación inicial de profesores


This paper describes the execution of activities under the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) integrated approach in initial teacher training, developed from an educational innovation project. The main results of its application regarding the achievement of scientific competences are also reported in an introductory physics course for first year students of the Pedagogy in Biology, from the Metropolitan University of Education Sciences.

Yonnhatan Garcí­a Cartagena
David Reyes González
Fabián Burgos Oviedo
How to Cite
Garcí­a Cartagena, Y., Reyes González, D., & Burgos Oviedo, F. (2017). STEM activities in initial training of teachers: new teaching approaches for the challenges of the 21st century. Revista Electrónica Diálogos Educativos. REDE, 18(33), 35–46. Retrieved from


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