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May 1, 2012


This paper presents a revision and analysis about the pedagogical use of low-cost interactive whiteboards (IW) in interactivitys context or interactivity styles in which they are used or can be used in classroom. Consequently, this paper describes the main issues why they are chosen and used in the classroom. For this purpose, different styles of interaction are characterized in relation to whole-class interaction categories for interactive technologies. Finally, a number of factors are enumerated according to each teachers usage of the interactive whiteboards.

Yonnhatan Garcí­a
David Reyes
Pablo Rojas
How to Cite
Garcí­a, Y., Reyes, D., & Rojas, P. (2012). Pizarras digitales e interactividad en el aula: estilos de uso y principales factores que afectan su adopción. Educación Y Tecnologí­a, (1), 69–81. Retrieved from


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