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May 9, 2022
Paideia - Classical Reception - Chilean Educational Projects - Chilean Independence


In the context of Chile’s independence, the first projects presented for the
construction of an autonomous state (1811-1832) contemplated the education as a key area for the successful formation of a virtuous republic. Their authors, Camilo
Henriquez, Manuel de Salas and Juan Egana, conceived a concept of education
associated with politics, appealing to the Greek notion o f paideia as a referent to
follow. Their writings reflect, especially, a Platonic and Aristotelian influence. The
article aims at highlighting the influence of ancient Greek thought on Chilean patriot
documents, as well as the image and ideas they had cultivated about the classical past
in matters of education.

María Gabriela Huidobro Salazar
Daniel Nieto Orriols
How to Cite
Huidobro Salazar, M. G., & Nieto Orriols, D. (2022). The Greek educational ideal in the early republican projects of Chile (1811-1832). Iter, (24), 59–83. Retrieved from

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