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Nov 29, 2023
Stereotypes, Gender, Education, Physical Education.


The objective of the present study was to determine the incidence of sociodemographic variables in the gender stereotypes of graduates/students of 5th year of pedagogy in physical education of the UMCE, in addition to contributing to academic literature on gender stereotypes in education trainers. To carry it out, a sociodemographic survey and the BEM Sexual Roles Inventory were applied, comparing the scores of femininity and masculinity between different variables. The results show that there is no significant difference between graduates and senior students, especially if there are differences in birth sex and religious beliefs. It is recommended to apply this study in different universities and eventually in different careers.

Antonia Contardo Muñoz
Karen Lizana Camus
Fernando Maureira Cid
How to Cite
Contardo Muñoz, A., Lizana Camus, K., & Maureira Cid, F. (2023). Gender stereotypes in graduates and students of 5th year of physical education of the UMCE. Revista Educación Física Chile, (277). Retrieved from

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