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Apr 29, 2024
Strength, Injury Prevention, Tennis.


This study analyzed the relationship between strength training and its possible reductive role in repetitive trauma injuries in non-professional tennis. A systematized review was performed through the PRISMA method between the years 2016-2023, in the databases PubMed, Semantic scholar and Scholar google, using the key terms: Tennis, Injury, Injury prevention, Strength, Tennis, Overuse injury, Training, Strength. Five articles were selected that met the determined inclusion criteria. The selected articles showed a relationship between concentric, eccentric and isometric strength training and injury prevalence reduction. Meanwhile, strength training oriented to muscular endurance and muscular strength did not show a significant response in this topic. Despite these results, it is possible to assure that the relationship between this variable and its effect in non-professional tennis players has not been sufficiently studied, which allows us to deduce that it is necessary to delve deeper into this matter and update the studies related to this discipline in order to address this number of injuries that arise in a non-professional context.

Javier Aravena Rojas
Iván Lizana Sanhueza
Esteban Aedo Muñoz
How to Cite
Aravena Rojas, J., Lizana Sanhueza, I., & Aedo Muñoz, E. (2024). Strength training as a preventive method of injuries in no professional tennis players: Systematized Review. Revista Educación Física Chile, (278). Retrieved from


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