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Oct 3, 2024
Physical Education
Psychomotor Skills


The purpose of this research was to investigate the factors that influence the absence of physical education teachers in kindergartens in the Metropolitan Region. For this purpose, a virtual questionnaire was applied by means of Google Forms in different preschool educational establishments. The kindergartens consulted belong to public and private agencies and/or administrations. The results showed that 64% of public institutions do not have physical education teachers, while 36% that do have physical education teachers belong to private institutions. The main factor affecting the presence of physical education teachers in kindergartens is insufficient funding. It is concluded that the State should increase its investment in kindergarten education and it is suggested that Decree 352 be modified to enable physical education teachers to work in kindergartens, in order to favor the psychomotor development of children.

Arturo Prat Lopicich
Catalina Pinto Ulloa
Krishna Guajardo Collinao
How to Cite
Prat Lopicich , A., Pinto Ulloa , C., & Guajardo Collinao, K. (2024). Factors that influence the ausence of the Physical Education teacher in preschool education in the Metropolitan Region. Revista Educación Física Chile, (279). Retrieved from


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